Order of the Arrow
Founded on July 16, 1915, the OA is Scouting’s National Honor Society.
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OA Vigil Elections
Annual Unit Elections
Why Hold a Unit Election?
Unit elections are such an important part of what makes the Order of the Arrow special. They’re a way for Scouts to recognize their peers who go above and beyond in living the Scout Oath and Law. Elections also help keep Scouts excited about Scouting by giving them something to aspire to and showing them how their efforts are valued.
These elections align perfectly with the Order of the Arrow's vision "to be why Scouts want to stay in Scouting." By recognizing outstanding Scouts and introducing them to the OA’s opportunities for service, leadership, and adventure, we help keep them engaged and motivated to stay active in their units—and in Scouting overall.
Step 1: Contact the lodge's election team at vcanaguonabe@gmail.com & levimuhlenkamp@msn.com
Step 2: Propose at least two potential dates and times for the election.
Step 3: Ensure that at least 50% of the unit’s registered youth will be present for the election.
Step 4: Confirm with the election team that your selected date meets the lodge’s election deadlines.
Naguonabe Lodge 31 Forms and Information
Would you like to run for office in the Lodge? Download the Naguonabe Lodge Officer election form, fill it out completely, and bring it to Fall Conclave.
Upcoming Events and Activities
2025 Calendar:
Jan. 26- Scoutmaster Breakfast 9am at the Scout Office
March 14-16- Winter Fellowship at Parker Castle - https://scoutingevent.com/296-OAWinterFellowship2025
March 21-23- National Leadership Seminar & Developing Youth Leadership Conference at Base Camp - https://registration.oa-bsa.org/Event/1255
May 9-11- Ripley Rendezvous
May 16-18- Spring Conclave at Parker Scout Reservation - https://scoutingevent.com/296-OASpringConclave2025
August 15-17- Fall Conclave at Parker - https://scoutingevent.com/296-OAFallConclave2025
Sept. 5-7- Section Conclave at Northern Tier
Nov. 14-16- Lodge Leadership Development (LLD) at Parker - https://scoutingevent.com/296-OALLD2025
Dec. 6- Winter Banquet - https://scoutingevent.com/296-OAWinterBanquet2025
2. LEC Meetings:
February 16 – 2:00 PM at the Council Office
March 16 – During Winter Fellowship at Parker
April 13 – 2:00 PM at the Council Office
May 18 – Immediately following Spring Conclave at Parker
July 20 – 2:00 PM at the Council Office
August 17 – Immediately following Fall Conclave at Parker
September 21 – Following Fall Camporee at Parker
October 25 – Following Spooktacular at Parker
November 16 – During LLD at Parker
OA High
Adventure Programs
Check out the OA High Adventure programs at Philmont, Sea Base, and Northern Tier.
These programs offer two full weeks of high intensity outdoor adventure, leadership development,
and a way to build friendships that will last a lifetime, for as little as $250.
Any Order of the Arrow member between the ages of 16 and 21 is eligible. Visit adventure.oa-bsa.org today!
LEC Minutes
The Feather
For more info, please contact your Lodge Executive Committee (LEC):
Lodge Chief
Alex Dietz
Vice Chief of Administrations (VCA), Elections Information
Sean Reese
Vice Chief of Ceremonies (VCC), Elangomats & Ceremonies Information
Dian Duda
Secretary, The Feather, and Media
Ethan Brott
Treasurer, Trading Post, and Dues Info
Zephyr Stewart
Lodge Adviser
Jace Carlson
Lodge Staff Adviser
Holly Carlson